Dr. Aakriti Agrawal PT, DPT

No Pelvis Left Behind, LLC
Address: 201 Government Ave SW Suite 303 Hickory, NC 28602
Dr. Aakriti Agrawal PT, DPT


Dr. Aakriti is a pelvic health physical therapist practicing locally in Hickory, NC. She also offers pelvic wellness coaching for out of state and out of country clients. Dr. Aakriti earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Duke University in 2020. She works with people of all ages, genders, and conditions in helping them overcome their pelvic floor problems, regaining control of their lives, feeling confident in their body, and reclaiming their pleasure.

Contact Info:

Address: 201 Government Ave SW Suite 303 Hickory, NC 28602

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